About Renatus Influence on Communities
Successful companies are generous with both their time and money. Renatus Engineering is supportive to local, regional, national, and international charities. Recent contributions have aided hunger relief agencies, schools, inner city youth, hospice organizations, veterans, the arts, and victims of natural disasters. Renatus Engineering is proud of our colleagues who reflect the best of the best while improving the communities we serve.
Our strategy is to align what we do best to the ones with the greatest need, with a sharp focus on outcomes. It encompasses our annual volunteers day, as well as our long-standing pro bono commitment, skills-based volunteering, workplace giving program, nonprofit board service and financial contributions. Creating real and measurable goal .
We are in a position to deploy our talent by cultivating a corporate culture of leaders and professionals who contribute their time, innovative thinking and specialized business skills to help nonprofits advance their missions.
Renatus helps its communities thrive by primarily using people- their talent, knowledge and skills as accelerators of social change.
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On INFLUENCE Day, Renatus encourages people nationwide to make nonprofits their top clients by setting aside their work and contributing their time and talent.